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NFL players who are kneeling in front of the American flag claim to be protesting police brutality. But after what Lynch did yesterday, are they really?

The National Football League’s attendance-clearing, boo-bird-baiting national anthem protest is well into its 2nd year, and Marshawn Lynch – one of the ringleaders of the movement – just demonstrated how much he knows about politics in North America.

Lynch sat for the American national anthem on Sunday, as a protest against “police brutality.”

But he stood for the MEXICAN national anthem!

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Does Lynch have any clue how much brutality, racism and torture has been brought down on the people of Mexico by the Mexican police?

Daily Caller with the full skinny:

Criminal cartels took over in 2006 and now pretty much run swaths of the country, to include the government. As a result, Mexico is now the second deadliest country in the world, ahead of, ironically, Afghanistan.

The Washington Post’s Pulitzer Prize winning report pointed out that American police killed approximately 1,000 citizens in 2016, similarly in 2015. Regardless of the outcome — a big reason for the NFL police protest being lack of “justice” — in America, every shooting is investigated under due process.

In Mexico, there have been tens of thousands of deaths as a result of corrupt policing and cartel operations since 2006.

The Associated Press’s E. Eduardo Castillo and Javier Quintero summed up the government’s response to such statistics in one killer kicker, “Charges are never filed in most of the deaths.”

In America, you can be a millionaire protesting police brutality, and the worst you’ll get is a headline or two on a conservative news site.

In Mexico, you’re a regular guy protesting police brutality, and you get “disappeared.”

The truth is the Mexican police state is shockingly corrupt and, Mr. Lynch, that’s something no one should stand for.

It turns out Marshawn Lynch knows as much about police brutality as Peggy Hill actually knows about “Meh-Hee-Co.”


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